Have we really gotten this desparate for advertising dollars?
For those that run ads on their sites, you know you get money if somebody clicks on the ad, but you also get money if somebody just comes to the site (much less, but a little).
So the other day I am looking to see if there are any tutorials for the Sicilian Language (never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line). I find a link to About.com and this is what I see.
Can you find the content? There are five pages, each with about 2-3 sentences. The link I just gave you only had a single sentence of content. Everything else on the page is advertisements. You get a paragraph of material, and they make you wade through five pages to get it. And it doesn’t even link to any real language tutorial, is just babbles on about random Sicilian history.
But then again, who am I to argue against progress? My next blog post will be spread out across 49 pages, and you’ll get 2-3 words per page.
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