Interesting article over at CNN today. Apparently a group of MIT students wrote a program that creates randomly generated ‘scientific papers’ full of gibberish. The papers looked like other academic literature, only they really didn’t say anything. The students then submitted their papers to several scientific conferences and, yep, you guessed it, the paper was accepted.
“the model for our heuristic consists of four independent components: simulated annealing, active networks, flexible modalities, and the study of reinforcement learning”
“We implemented our scatter/gather I/O server in Simula-67, augmented with opportunistically pipelined extensions.”
The pranksters are apparently going to attempt to raise money to go to the conference and present a randomly generated speech full of gibberish.
On their site you can generate your own paper. Here is one I did that I’m quite proud of. It took me all of 1.5 seconds to type in my name so I appear as an author.
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