Sunday Cooking…

I have always loved to cook. I think it’s because my ‘real life’ is so complex. School takes 4 months to complete. Work projects often drag on for months at a time as well. But there is nothing so refreshing as starting a project in a clean kitchen, and then two hours later you end up with a clean kitchen, plus some morsely treat. When I am at home, I probably do 90 percent of the cooking. It is a wild challenge to start 6 things a-cooking, and orchestrate it such that by the time you are done, all 6 dishes are done at the same time. I usually can manage to do this without messing up the kitchen. I clean as I go, so that when dinner is on the table, the only dishes that need to be cleaned are those used in the consumption. My wife and I have an unwritten rule that if you cooked the meal, the other person cleans up. So when I sit down to those 6 steaming dishes (maybe an apple crisp is just starting to cook in the oven), I know that when I’m done eating, I can wander into the other room for a quick nap.

Anyway, this afternoon the boys and I made cookies. This little baby has about 60 cousins piled on a plate on top of a clean counter. Frosty milk is in the fridge.

I’m a happy fellow, trying not to think of all of the chaos that waits for me on Monday.

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