Open Model and E-books No Shortcut

Publishing an e-book does not mean authors can skip the most important step of all–mastering the craft.  A friend of mine, Trent Cameron, sent me an interesting link about online file sharing (pirating or information liberation, depending on how you look at things) and how it affects content creators.

For those unfamiliar with the idea of openness it may come as a surprise to hear that Sam Bozzo, a film director, embraces the idea of people sharing his movies online. From the article:

“For me, the [online sharing] was ultimately “free advertising”, and I am the only truly independent documentary filmmaker I know making his money back this year.”

But he goes on to say something equally interesting about how pirating does hurt bad or mediocre movies. People watch them, are unimpressed, and they don’t tell their friends, nor do they buy the product. The good films, however, are shared, talked about, and people generate buzz which ultimately leads to more revenue in DVD sales or box office sales. Again, from the article:

“With “Blue Gold” already available on DVD in North America, UK, Japan, and Australia, the initial fear of a filmmaker is that each person who downloads a torrent would have instead paid to buy or rent a DVD if the torrent were not available. I feel this is false for many reasons. For an independent film like mine, most torrent users would have never heard of my film if not for the torrent. Unlike a large blockbuster film, I had no advertising money to spread the word of the film, so the torrent leak provided another outlet to hopefully create a viral campaign of word-of-mouth. The main point, though, is that this only worked because the film is a solid good film (for the target market at least), so word of mouth could only help the film.”

I’ve said it before, and I think it’s worth repeating–E-books and The Open Model aren’t shortcuts to publishing. They are additional options now available to writers.

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Amazon Follows Suit

As Daron Fraley pointed out in the comments section of my last post, Amazon has already dropped the price on the Kindle to $189. That’s a step in the right direction, but I’m still waiting to see what happens as we near the holidays. At $189 I’ll buy it at Christmas. $99 and I’d buy it tomorrow. We’ll see what happens in the long run.

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Nook Drops Price

Looks like competition is bringing down prices. Barnes & Noble has dropped the price on the Nook, their answer to Amazon’s Kindle. You can buy the basic version for $149, and their Wi/Fi enabled version for $199, roughly $60 less than the Kindle.

No word from Amazon if they are considering a similar move, although with pressure now from both the iPad, as well as Nook, it may not be long.

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Win Win

Let’s talk a little about the price of books. Let’s say you just wrote a new novel, and you set the price at $10 per copy. At that price you will likely sell 10,000 books. Gross income will be $100,000. Now let’s say you raise the price to $20 per unit. Because of the higher price, maybe now you only sell 8,000 copies for a gross income of $160,000. This is good because not only do you make more money, but you don’t have to print, package, and ship as many books.

Ultimate, however, you reach a point where by raising the price you no longer get more money. For example, let’s say you raise the price of each book to $30, but now you only sell 5,000 copies, for a gross income of $150,000. In our simple example, it’s clear $20 is a good price per unit.

The reason I use this simplified example is to illustrate the idea that the more something costs, the less you will sell. Conversely if you lower the price, you’ll sell more. There are exceptions, but this is the general rule.

As a new author, you will likely sign a contract in which you will earn 5-10 percent for each print book sold. So let’s say you make 7.5% on a $12.50 book. Somebody check my math, but as an author you’ll be making roughly 88 cents per book.

Now let’s see how an author fares on the e-book model. Amazon pays 70% to authors. On a $12.50 book you’ll earn $8.75. But here is the kicker. You could lower the price to $2.99 and you’d still be making $2.10. At the lower price, you’ll likely sell more books, but you’re still making more than the 88 cents you’d make on a physical book.

Another added benefit is that once you’ve got the digital copy of your book online, you don’t have to worry about printing books, storing them, packaging them, and shipping them. You can sell 5 books as easy as you can sell 5 million. It makes sense to drop the price to where you’ll sell more books.

Does this mean publishers are pretty much worthless in this new model? Do they go extinct? No, but it does mean they have to adapt. There are several key things they must do in order to provide value to the process, and I may or may not talk about what those things are in a later post.

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E-books for Young Readers?

Random House just announced that they will be releasing all 6,234 books in the Magic Tree House series in e-book format. I’m interested in this for several reasons. First, I love to see the e-books movement progress in any shape or form. The more e-books we have, the more e-book readers will be bought, thus driving the sales of e-books, and benefiting authors and readers everywhere.

The second reason I’m interested in this move is because I write for the Middle Grade audience. I’d love to release my book in the e-book format but I have to wonder how many ten-year olds out there own a Kindle? Or how many of them have parents who are willing to let them borrow their e-reader? For selfish reasons I hope to the Magic Tree House eBooks do well. It means that I might very well have a market.

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E-Books released first?

Random House is releasing the e-book version of one of their books before the print version. While I’m sure this has been done before, it’s nice to see one of the larger publishing companies try it out. Many of the big houses have been doing just the opposite–holding back the eBook until months after the hard cover release (clinging to the old model).

I’m interested to see the results of such a move. There are two trains of thought around such a strategy. One is that people will buy the e-book first, meaning they have no need to buy the hardcover. People who hold to this notion argue eBook negatively affect sales.

The second train of thought is e-books sales will act as a type of marketing for the book. The eBook will generate a healthy buzz which will positively affect sales.

As a fan of the Open Model (which I still haven’t discussed on this blog, but promise to very soon), I fall in the latter camp. I believe as long as the book is good, getting an electronic version out early can help the sales of the print version.

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Some Folks Get It

I try to keep abreast of the many author, agent, and publisher blogs out there that talk about new models in publishing, but I just don’t have as much time as I’d like. Which is why I appreciate it when friends send me links because they know of my interest in openness and publishing. One person who has done this faithfully for years is Jaime Theler. You can read her fantastic blog here.

The other day Jaime sent me a link to Nathan Bransford’s blog. I’ve been aware of Bransfords blog for a while, but don’t follow it every day. However, the link Jaime sent me shows that Bransford is in the camp of industry professionals who get it. From his post:

“The lack of commercial viability of 99% of the books written every year necessitates all this rejection. I can only take on the books I think I can sell to publishers, and aspiring authors receive this judgment in the form of a rejection letter. But the very nature of commercial viability in the publishing world is changing quickly with the transition to e-books, and I think it’s ultimately a change for the better.”

The key phrase in Branford’s post is the bit about the changing commercial viability. You see, no matter what agents and publishers tell you, they aren’t in the business of printing good books, they are in the business of making money. It’s a happy coincidence that usually it takes good books to make money, but not always. And sometimes good books can’t make enough money to cover the expenses. Those good books never make it into readers hands, unfortunately. But with e-books, all that changes.

Under the new model, an author can pay a few grand to get a book edited, formatted, and pay for cover work, ISBN, etc. Instead of having to sell thousands of $25 hardback books to be commercially viable, they can sell a few thousand books priced at $3. A book is ‘good, but unmarketable’, can now see the light of day. Both readers and authors should rejoice.

Continuing from Bransford’s post:

“Clay Shirky, author of HERE COMES EVERYBODY, notes that we’re moving from an era where we filtered and then published to one where we’ll publish and then filter. And no one would be happier than me to hand the filtering reins over to the reading public, who will surely be better at judging which books should rise to the top than the best guesses of a handful of publishing professionals.”

I think that very soon we’ll no longer see authors sending manuscripts to agents and publishers hoping for that 1 in a thousand acceptance letter. Instead, agents and publishers (if they’re smart) will be combing Amazon, iBooks, and Smashwords, looking for what is selling. Authors will post their books online and then one day, out of the blue, they’ll get an e-mail from somebody in the industry who says something like, “Hey, we noticed your book is selling well. We’ve read it, it’s in good shape, and we’d like to print it.” The clear benefit is that the author will be in the driver’s seat, not the other way around.

The internet is the same way. As Bransford points out, nobody says, “You know what’s wrong with the internet…too many pages.” The more pages and books the merrier. The good stuff will bubble up, and those who really have the talent will find their way to a traditional publisher.

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A Coming Golden Age?

Pipe Dreams

Okay, in my last post I said people who make predictions aren’t that bright. And then I go and write a post with the title ‘Coming Golden Age’? Am I crazy?  No, because if you add a question mark after a prediction, you’re just posing a query, not telling the future, right?

I got to thinking about Scott Adams dire prediction that the profession of authors will be retired in his lifetime. I wrote a rebuttal but the more I’ve thought about it the more I wonder if digital technology won’t do just the opposite–open up a golden age in literature. This is in stark contrast to many who have claimed that e-books will in fact bring about the death of literature, but allow me to explain.

Dan Wells recently presented a lifetime achievement award to Dave Wolverton at the Whitney Awards. While doing so, Dan briefly told his life story which surprised me because it mirrored my own. He wanted to be an author since he was young. Public school all but beat that dream out of him, but when he got to college, Dave Wolverton told him he could fulfill his dream. It would take work, but it could be done. Dan studied the craft, worked hard, and is now an accomplished author.

Where our stories differ is that my professor in college told me that it wasn’t possible to make money at writing, at least not as an author. He informed our class that the odds of making a living writing were a million to one, but that if we loved the craft we should go into technical writing instead. I didn’t want to be a technical writer, and so I gave up the dream and went the more practical route of choosing a career in technology and education. Even to this day I cannot find time to study the craft like I could have back in college, and I lost years of writing because of this poor decision.

But as we move into the realm of e-books, we’re going to see more and more authors being able to make a comfortable living at writing. Twenty years ago things did look pretty bleak. You had a handful of superstars raking in millions of dollars, and then a good number of authors who were barely scratching out a living, many of them having to work a ‘day job’ to support their writing habits.

Enter the digital era. If e-books pan out like many are predicting, students in college will be told, “Hey, you may not be able to make ten million a year like the authors of yesteryear, but if you’re good you can make a comfortable living.” Would-be authors will see their dream as a viable profession, not one of a starving artist. We’ll have more students studying the craft, more students delivering their work via the new digital models, and more choices when we go to the digital bookstore in the cloud. We’ll see more and better work, not less.

So to all you English majors out there wondering if you should be chase after your dream, or choose the more practical route, I’m happy to tell you, now you can do both.

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Missing the Mark

Ok, we’ve established the publishing industry is going through significant changes right now. People everywhere are predicting what things will look like in three to five years.

The future is hard to predict, but this article over at the Huffington Post so completely misses the mark I honestly wondered if it was satire. From the article:

“The book-buying habits sustaining [mid-list authors’] work may become a thing of the past when printed books are swapped for digital ones. As strolling and perusing the aisles of a bookstore is replaced with a mouse and computer screen, the demise of brick-and-mortar retailers will accelerate and critically important links between midlist authors and their readers will be severed.”

Right. Because if there is one thing we know the internet has a problem with, it’s creating links between people and things. The internet is all about putting people in a silo. /sarcasm

Again, from the article:

“As of yet, there is no digital substitute to this serendipitous manner of bringing readers and writers together. Furthermore an important symbiotic relationship between best-selling authors and their lesser brethren will end. Readers who buy new books by Dan Brown or Kitty Kelley frequently leave the store with another title under their arm. But it is often the invitingly deep and varied inventory of books by midlist authors that lure the reader into the store in the first place.”

No digital substitue? Has the author never bought a book on Amazon? Has the author never looked up a book on Amazon? Because as soon as  you do, you’re bombarded with ‘you may like this’ suggestions. The authors suggests that when you go to a store, the clerk might recommend a good book. Online you can read the opinions of thousands of other readers, not just the clerk who may or may not have the same tastes as you. It’s like shopping with a crowd of experts.

Compare this to other industries that have gone through the same digital growing pains.

Newspapers -Imagine ten years ago predicting big newspapers and magazines growing bigger, and smaller voices (blogs, e-zines, sites like Huffington Post) going the way of the dinosaur.

Or what about music? Have the big names gotten bigger, and the ‘midlisters’ dissapeared? Hardly. Just the opposite. Talented musicians have been able to go straight to fans and find a larger audience. They’ve been able to do much better under the digital model than ever before. Just ask musicians like Jonathan Coultan.

I don’t like to predict because I don’t know the industry as well as the insiders. However, I feel very comfortable saying that mid-list authors will in fact NOT suffer in the coming e-book revolution. In fact, we’ll see the opposite. We’ll see fewer ‘rock stars’ in publishing, and more and more good authors finding an audience because they can directly connect with fans.

Joe Konrath is often called a ‘mid-list’ author. You don’t have to read very far down his blog to see how he is faring under this new model.

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How does the Kindle respond to the iPad?

Good article on the iPad and Kindle over on Seth Godin’s blog. He presents an interesting strategy for Amazon/Kindle, and it’s close to the open model I’ve talked about on this blog. His idea–Give the Kindle away at a rock bottom price, and then make money selling books.

This strategy has been used for years in the video game industry. Sell the X-box at a loss, then make money on the games. Seth suggests selling the Kindle for $49. Or better yet, buy ten books, get a Kindle free. You might lose money on the hardward, but you’d open yourself up to millions of users looking to buy books.

I have to admit, I’m getting more tempted to buy a Kindle. I’ll likely get one for Christmas. But if Kindle put the price at $49, I’d buy one tomorrow. Heck, I’d buy one right now. And you can bet I’d start buying more books.

Competition is good. Let’s hope Amazon stays in the game.

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